You know how you go along and just barely seem to get the necessities done? Since I’ve been home from my vacations it seems like I just exist without accomplishing any goals, so I decided (since I can’t make myself catch up on my blogging) that I will give a run down on what I did this week.
Who knows? Maybe it will seem like I accomplished something after all. Last Sunday I wanted to do something meaningful, so I did some scrapbook pages. 
These are of my grand daughter’s baptism earlier this month.
She is so sweet and I feel blessed that we were able to attend her baptism.

We had planned to hurry home so hubby could get back to his yard, but I’m glad that someone else was able to talk him into driving back across the state!

Then I took some older photos out of the frames and put them on scrapbook pages.
These are of my oldest son and his family when they only had these two boys.

These guys are so grown up now and have two more brothers and a sister!
It’s fun for me to go back and see them as they used to be.
I’ve put all these photos in the cousin scrapbook.
My mother left lots of things for the family to share. I’m excited that I’m able to redo some of the items that she had in storage for years. 
These used to be all black iron (as usual, I neglected to take my before pictures) but I painted them white because I’m trying to decorate with a French Country look…and I just love the shabby chic look !

I also painted these old wooden pepper mill and salt shakers. They used to be natural wood and pretty worn but I love the way they look so fresh and clean now.

Mama loved Blue Boy and Pinkie! She had prints in frames, made ceramic figures of them and did this gorgeous needle point.
It’s sad that these were never displayed and never quite finished.
I found these old frames she had that were spray painted a cheap gold and repainted them with white acrylic paint and then distressed them. Pinkie’s frame was chipped and broken in places, and the frames don’t really match, but I LOVE the look. And the pieces fit perfectly into these frames without having any other needlework completed.

I’m so happy that my mother’s work will finally be displayed in my home and passed down for generations in the family.